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TransContinental Trade and Finance Corporation is based in New Jersey, USA. The company set up offices in China in 1978 and has been in operation for over forty years and its business is solely focused on China.


It operates through two individually managed and wholly-owned subsidiaries to address China both as a market and as a source:

The China Sourcing Solution

Managing Your China Supply Chain

Do you have a good supply chain management system in place, but you would like a great one?

Are you tired of paying commissions and not getting the full range of services you deserve?

Do you wish you had a truly professional team working for you?

Then come and visit us at China Performance Group.

China Performance Group Logo

The China Business Solution

Gaining and Managing Market Entry

Do you have a Product with great potential for the China Market?

Are you already selling in the China market, but need better support and coverage?

Do you wish you had a truly professional team working for you?

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